5 great apps to help you quit smoking (Android)

From lung cancer, down to pretty much every kind of other types of cancer, then through heart and more general lung diseases, and then through the possibility of impotence in men and lower general levels of fitness, it's fair to say that smoking cigarettes is one of the worst things one can do his own body. We know from experience.
Pretty much every smoker is aware of the inherent risks, and just as many of them wish, deep down, that they would quit. But day in, day out, we continue keeping the nasty habit. Thankfully, the developed world at large is seeing lower and lower rates of smokers, but we're still very far from eradicating our seemingly endless appetite for tobacco. But we're getting there.
And yet, quitting smoking can be as hard for some as getting fit and shaving off those few extra pounds you've been carrying around and wanting to get rid of for years. Unfortunately, there's no magical formula, no super-secret pill to get you to just drop smoking. Instead, it requires great will on the part of the smoker. But since our will isn't just fixed, we all go through various levels of preparedness to keep on working at it, so keeping yourself motivated daily is a must. Apps tailored to help with that can be of great help, as you always have your smartphone with you, making it easier to remind yourself why you're doing it, and the many benefits that you'll enjoy if you just hold out.
Here are few great ones:
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