3 Google reference devices get CyanogenMod 9 nightlies

If you've been waiting for some custom Ice Cream Sandwich goodies from the good fellows of Team Douche, your wait may be over, depending on what device you have. The first official nightlies for CyanogenMod 9 have been released, and if you're the lucky owner of a Google reference device, you're one of the first in on the fun.
That means that you'll have to have either a Samsung Galaxy Nexus (GSM or CDMA), Google Nexus S (GSM or CDMA), or a Motorola XOOM (WiFi or CDMA/LTE). Obviously, these are very early builds, so they may not be good for regular daily use, and they may not include all of the bells and whistles that you've come to expect from CyanogenMod, but obviously they will be updated... well daily.
To find your device, just go to the CM9 source page and grab the one associated with your device's nickname. For easy reference:
- Samsung Galaxy Nexus GSM = maguro
- Samsung Galaxy Nexus CMDA = toro
- Nexus S GSM = crespo
- Nexus S CDMA = crespo4g
- Morotola XOOM WiFi = wingray
- Motorola XOOM CDMA/LTE = stingray
Have fun!
source: CyanogenMod nightlies via Koush
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