11-year old comes up with an anti-texting while driving app concept, AT&T gives her $20,000

When you put energy and ideas into a project, rewards are just a matter of time. That's the lesson that 11-year old Victoria Walker learned after creating a concept for an anti-texting while driving app, together with designer David Grau.
The idea was born during a hackathon held in August, which had the purpose of promoting AT&T's "It Can Wait" campaign. The duo envisions the app, called Rode Dog, to work in the following way: Users are separated into packs. Every member of a pack can see if the others from the pack are having some kind of texting while driving action, and if they are, they can send them a barking sound, urging them to stop typing and leave the handset aside.
Victoria and David intend to produce the app for iOS, Android and even Windows Phone. They expect it to be ready sometime by the end of the year. According to them, the $20,000 will go for the development of the app and some additional features for it (as well as a lot of clothes and dolls, we can imagine). One of their newer ideas is to have the option for in-app purchases, allowing users to download additional warning sounds, besides barking. We wish them luck with the development of the app and hope that it will be a success!
The idea was born during a hackathon held in August, which had the purpose of promoting AT&T's "It Can Wait" campaign. The duo envisions the app, called Rode Dog, to work in the following way: Users are separated into packs. Every member of a pack can see if the others from the pack are having some kind of texting while driving action, and if they are, they can send them a barking sound, urging them to stop typing and leave the handset aside.
via: TheVerge
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