10 mighty annoying things that manufacturers do (or don't do) and piss us off, part 1

Being a tech reviewer has its perks. You're constantly surrounded with what are considered very desirable devices, and new ones keep on coming all the time. Big ones and small ones, fancy or unattractive, powerful or impotent, we've seen most of them all. Many of those are great, or at least more than acceptable, and we make sure to share that insight with you. Others, however... not so much.
Indeed, when your 9 to 5 is mostly about getting to know the ups and downs of a never-ending stream of devices, you tend to retain some nasty experiences. Those are usually things that manufacturers either choose to do or not to do, and, honestly, those sometimes piss us off, and we know many of you are in the same boat. Certainly, a big portion of you have had devices that they've been on the cusp of buying, before realizing something rather essential (subjectively, at least) is missing or just isn't the way you'd like it to be.
So we sat down and went on a trip through memory lane, in an attempt to come up with a mostly objective list of Do's and Don'ts for manufacturers going forward. Obviously, a very big part of the entries on the list can't be considered deal breakers on their own, but it's fair to say that most of them pissed at least a bunch of tech reviewers and consumers off.
Arranged in no specific order.
Things that are NOT allowed: