Meta Quest 3 officially introduced: higher resolution and performance, redesigned controllers

Meta Quest 3 officially introduced: higher resolution and performance, redesigned controllers
As expected, Meta has just announced its next-generation VR headset, the Quest 3. While the new headset is not yet available for purchase, Meta swears that it’s smaller, more powerful and comfy. Not to mention that Meta Quest 3 offers a higher resolution than the previous model, which is encouraging for gamers looking into VR gaming.

Featuring pancake optics and promising to provide the highest resolution display, the Meta Quest 3 is also the first headset to be equipped with a next-generation Snapdragon chipset developed in partnership with Qualcomm. Thanks to the new chipset, the Quest 3 delivers more than twice the graphical performance as the previous generation Snapdragon GPU in Quest 2.

Another important improvement over the previous model is the form factor, which is now 40% slimmer. Additionally, Meta revealed that it completely redesigned Quest 3’s Touch Plus controllers to make them more streamlined and ergonomic. These feature TruTouch haptics, which first debuted in Touch Pro.

Meta confirmed that the Quest 2 catalog of over 500 VR games, apps and experiences is fully compatible with the new headset, the Quest 3.

So, the main takeaway is that the Quest 3 will be slimmer, more powerful and will run all the games launched on Quest 2. It also features higher resolution and better, more ergonomic controllers. As far as availability goes, Meta announced that the 128GB headset will be available in select countries starting this fall for as low as $500.

Additional storage options will be available to those who want some extra space Meta announced, which means that more expensive versions will hit the shelves later this year too.

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In the same piece of news, Meta announced that the Quest 2 is getting a permanent price cut. Initially introduced on the market back in 2020 and priced to sell for as low as $300. Starting June 4, the 128GB version will be available for $300, while the 256GB model will cost $350.

If you’re confused about the price cut, it’s important to mention that Meta raised the price of the Quest 2 by $100 last year. Basically, the price increase has been reverted, so it’s probably better to wait for the Quest 3 if you want a better VR experience.
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