Did you play Dragon Front Rising when it was live? Then you might’ve gotten the new version for free!

Did you play Dragon Front Rising when it was live? Then you might’ve gotten the new version for free!
You know what’s awesome? Having one of the best VR headsets around. And nowadays, that’s most likely to be a Meta-branded headset. Whether it’s the beginner-friendly Quest 2 or the top-notch Quest 3, you’re set to experience some of the best that XR has to offer.

On the other hand, do you know what sucks? When things get canceled. We’ve all been there: seeing one of your favorite games, shows or even expected pieces of hardware get canned always sucks.

But there is always that last glimmer of hope that some sort of miracle may happen and that your favorite once-canned thing can make a brilliant comeback. And if you’re a fan of the once-popular VR game Dragon Front Rising, then you may get a taste of what that feels like today.

Because the game has been revamped and brought back to life!

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Nostalgia much? This is the original trailer from the first version of the game, from 2016! 

So, let’s begin with explaining what Dragon Front Rising actually is. Once upon a time, it was a VR CCG — collectible card game, think Heartstone or other digital equivalents of games like Magic: The Gathering — for the Rift series of VR headsets. Today? It’s been upgraded to version 2.0, available in XR for the Quest series of headsets!

By which I mean that you can actually place your battlefield in the living room, as the Quest Pro and Quest 3 can offer you a chance to experience Dragon Front Rising in mixed-reality.

And this is my moment to ask: where is my MR Yu-Gi-Oh! simulator?! Anyway.

So, what else can the game offer to fans? Well, now it sports online multiplayer, so that you can always dive in for a match with friends, regardless of how close you are. Factions? Seven! Cards? Over 500! New type? Champion cards, to spice up the endgame of your matches.

Sounds sweet, doesn't it? Well, the game also has a new Conquest Mode too, which is basically a campaign where you’ll be budding heads with AI opponents, for the times where you just want to kick back and have some fun.

Or for whenever the internet is down, that also works.

Dragon Front Rising is already available on the Meta Quest store for $19.99, but there’s a sweet little twist to that. If you’re one of the returning players that have spent money on the game in the past, then a free copy of the revamped edition may be waiting for you in your library, so go check that out!
And if you want more gaming on the Quest:
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