Envisics may be the future designer of your car’s HUD and that means that your car will support AR

Envisics may be the future designer of your car’s HUD and that means that your car will support AR
All of the best VR headsets are fun and all, but the Vision Pro stirred the pot exactly because it went beyond their capabilities. But Apple’s headset didn’t make the impression of achieving that through VR alone, but through AR, and more specifically: granting you the power to make the most out of your surroundings.

And due to the Vision Pro, we talk a lot about things like productivity and optimization. About putting virtual monitors on your desks and walls, about placing virtual keyboards on literal desks, and, of course: putting virtual elves on literal shelves.

But what can AR do if not strapped to your face?

Envisics — a dynamic holographic tech company — has a few plans. And given that the company recently succeeded in gaining even more funds, then the industry seems to be responding very well to its ideas. Which involve cars and heads-up displays.

Are you feeling that? Yep, that’s the sweet tingling sensation of the future getting closer. Why? Well, because Envisics plans to invest these fresh stacks of dollars — a whole $100 million of them — in order to accelerate the pace of product development.

But what are those products going to be about? Well, equipping cars with AR HUDs, of course! According to the innovative company, the future of the automotive industry is irrevocably linked to augmented reality.

But what does that mean for you? Well, as you’ve probably already noticed from the screenshots, it can mean different things, depending on what vehicle you are driving and to what end.

If you are driving your family car, then you can take advantage of getting informed without taking your eyes off the road, even for GPS navigation. And on the other hand, if you are a professional driver, then you can even get specialized add-ons that improve your experience. Heck, this can even expand to learning to drive better and faster!

So, the question is: when will this tech reach us, the everyday people? Well, hopefully soon. Even if AR has been a thing for awhile now, we’re still waiting on that “killer app” that will make it blow-up in popularity and bring it into everyone’s homes.

And given how popular cars are, Envisics’ ideas may be just what the doctor ordered.
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