Apple’s Vision Pro headset may actually be worth more than its asking price

Apple’s Vision Pro headset may actually be worth more than its asking price
Right now, the Apple Vision Pro is looking to become one of the best AR/VR headsets to come out in the near future. Will it be? We don’t know and a major concern in that regard is the asking price.

I mean, it truly needs to be a magical experience in order for those $3,500 to become justified, right?

That being said, while all the criticism towards the pricing scheme is piling on, one thing becomes clear: why will the headset cost this much? I mean, beyond the typical, expected and infamous Apple Tax itself (which I like to call “software”, but anyway).

Well, Omdia — an independent analyst agency — has some data to give you an idea if the price may, in fact, be right.

Before we move on to the research results, we need to make sure that you understand something: the Vision Pro isn’t aiming to be like the rest. In fact, it is aiming to raise the bar quite higher, especially in terms of augmented reality.

This, obviously, is a very different approach when compared to Zuck’s attempts to make VR headsets accessible through marketing them as entertainment products (that just so happen to feed on user data, but that's a different story).

With that out of the way, here’s a very important fact from Omdia’s David Hsieh’s research:

The three screens on the Vision Pro alone are estimated to come at $530. And that’s the price before manufacturing. After? Bump that up to $1,542.

And FYI, that means that you can get an entire  Quest 3 for the price of the screens alone. So then you have the work that went into it, the rest of the components, the magical and ever-so-understated software magic and, of course, the cost of integrating the entire thing into Apple’s product ecosystem.

And, obviously, all of that is before tax, so yeah.

While this info won’t help us promise you that the Vision Pro will be the most amazing product on the market when it launches, it does give us some insight into why its price is so high. Will it be worth it?

We’ll find out together when the time comes.
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