Samsung SCH-R610 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

It's a very mediocre phone.

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Alright, I've had about 18 months of experience with this phone, and here are some honest remarks (usuing it on US Cellular by the way): I was excited to get this phone because it looked like it had some great features, but after a couple months of using it, I found some stuff very inconvenient about it. First off, and Ive noticed this with all the samsung phones, whenever you have to text somebody, you have to do the following: Message > Send Message > Select Test Message > Press Add > Select Contacts > Pick your contacts > Done > OK. And now you can write your text. It seems VERY tedious with constant process; you can reply to a text, which makes it easier, but even then you have to select a text message versus a picture or video message. Most phones just let you type in the name using the alpha part fo the keypad and it will fill in the name of what you're trying to type; a lot faster, this phone doesn't do that at all, you have to manually select all contacts, and there is a 10 maximum for texts, kind of lame sometimes. Next off, the predictable text T9 is awful. It doesn't ever know what you're trying to say. This is so inconvenient because lots of phones will show a little menu or screen of possible options of what words/letters you're trying to enter. This one just fills in for you and changes your word itself. So if you want to use predictable text for this phone, I would be severely disappointed. It's kind of stupid that the middle directional pad you can't assign what you want, 3 out of 4 of the keys are set. Another annoying feature is if there's multiple calls, missed, taken, or called, itll just show the most recent one and not all of them. It'd be much better if you could at least shuffle through the calls within each one it shows, but it doesnt even say how many times they called. At times as well, when you get missed calls or texts, itll take a while before it registers on your phone and lets you know you have a text. The alarm only has three presets; I use this phone as a secondary alarm and its just not convenient to only have three alarms, when most have 5. The phone didn't come with any games, and some very bad, limited ringtones. No way to email pics or videos, and as far as I know, I havent found a simple way to transfer them. All around, this phone is SUPER inconvenient, sometimes due to Samsung's awful features. It does have a nice camera (albeit with no zoom), and a decent videocam. Texting is a pain and tedious sometimes, especially due to the T9. Don't bother with this phone.

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It's okay

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First off, what I enjoy about this phone. I love the slim design of this phone. The camera is pretty good and has plenty of color and frame effects to keep you entertained. The Screen is a nice size. What I don't like, I hate that that the camera is only exposed when the the phone is slid open, ergo you can't use the camera when the phone is closed. I also do not like that you can't talk on the phone while it's closed.  The phone Get's very hot if used for an extended amount of time. The phone tries to exclude background noise, but what really happens is everything in the background just cut's out and fades in and out a lot and can just become extremely annoying. The phone has a good signal a majority of the time, but often goes in and out of roaming. The phone could be better but could be worse.

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Decent phone

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The SCH-R610 is a decent phone however it is missing a few key features. Firstly the date is not shown on the home screen but can only be found under the calendar within the tools menu. Secondly the carousel has a slight lag before each pop-up menu appears so if you press OK too quickly it will unintentionally jump to the Menu. Lastly I wish there was the ability to assign shortcut keys to frequently used features such as the alarm clock and to be able to snooze the alarm without sliding it up.

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Hate it

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My daughter has this phone and unfortunately we have not had a good experience with it. I will be sending her phone in for the second time to be repaired. I think she got one with a bad LCD. Her buttons are also cracking and breaking. Not a good phone for a teenager that loves to least for the buttons sake. The price you pay for this phone you would think it would have been made with better quality.

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Everything but sound quality

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I was looking for a phone that had in ranked order

signal strength, sound quality, big screen (so I don't need reading glasses to see who's calling), texting

Everything was good except the sound quality of the phone. It seems as if the software excludes certain sounds and discards them as background noise. It winds up discarding parts of the incoming call.

I really like this phone, but cannot put up with the sound quality problem, it's going back.

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How To Get Music and Pictures on the R610

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just to let you know you can send music to the phone through the following website. you jsut click on create your own, type in you phone number, select a song or picture from you computer by clicking browse, then click customize. Customize the file then click send to phone and it tells you what to do form there. and just to let you know i don't have this phone... my friend does and i showed him how to do this(My reviews are not correct)

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samsung r610

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I have the cell phone from us cellular it is the best cell phone i have ever had!!! But you can not use bluetooth with someones cell phone it will not work!! But you can send ringtones but you have to send buy text message. The cell phone is beter then the v3m from uscc so you have to get it!!

NEED MORE INFO SEND ME IN E-MAIL AT and i will tell you what you need to know.

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Phone owned for

i want to get this phone but i have a question for barb L,
what websites does it appear http 503 service unavailable?

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love it n& hate it!

Phone owned for

I have this with US Cellular, and while I totally LOVE the phone, I can't get any ringtones for it without spending an arm and a leg, and it only comes with 5! Whats up with THAT! You can't email them to yourself & download, it's not permitted, and when you try to access a site via internet, it gives you the HTTP 503 service unavailable, so the internet browser is pretty worthless. Also you cannot send them via bluetooth either, content sending is not supported. Memory card transfer is also not an option. If anyone knows of a workaround for this phone, please post it here!

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thumbs up

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l really like this phone. i am a big fan of the slider design, anyway : i just wish this phone came in fun colors. it is user friendly, easy to figure out, fun features such as photo frames, Many options for the camera and it does have a flash. i wish the speakerphone had it's own key instead of going into a menu, though. also, although it does voice commands, it does not do them through the bluetooth. over all, i am having so much fun with this and it sounds Great, with strong signal strength, which is most what i want in a phone--dependable!

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