LG enV3 User Reviews

Overall User Rating
Build quality
Camera quality
Battery life and charging
Rating breakdown (out of 10)
User reviews

Texters Galore

Phone owned for less than a year

This is a great phone! Texting is just perfect. Absolutely flawless. There's plenty of room on this tiny phone! Size does not matter when it comes to basic phones! I thought about buying the smartphone version of this phone so trust me, the enV series are awesome. Calls are fine and it can be used as an MP3 player. Just about everything else sucks so yeah. That pretty much sums it up. Too da loo!

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My second phone

Phone owned for more than a year

I got this phone in summer 2010, it still works perfectly. I had the LG enV2 before, but had lost it so my insurance gave me this as a replacement phone. I have to say I don't like it as much as my previous phone to be honest. The camera is decent, internet meh, texting is excellent. I've been known to be pretty hard on my phones in my former years, dropping them on the ground, in water,etc. I have to say LG has built these phones really well. For everday use it's pretty good.

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Love it so much I ordered it online in order to keep this phone

Phone owned for more than a year

I love love love this phone. It does all I need in the form of text, phone calls and tools. I do not need a Smart phone and it's so difficult to find a midrange phone. When my old enV3 went kaput after two years, I got online and ordered another one since Verizon doesn't sell this model any,ore.

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Pretty Good Phone

Phone owned for more than a year

I had this phone for 2 and a half years. I had it for two years, got the LG Cosmos Touch, and that phone makes me want to hang myself, so i went back to this. The battery life is great, the camera is good for just snapping a shot, the keyboard is fantastic other than my front keyboard is completely falling off (mainly my fault though). For the last 6 months I had it the first time, it shut off randomly, but after deactivating and reactivating that stopped (not sure why). The phone is great for just an every day use though.

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Very Good Phone

Phone owned for more than a year

I have had this phone for over 2 years now. I have owned this phone longer than any others. It is tough as nails, the exterior has the scars to prove it. It has been dropped, thrown, kicked, slobbered on and heavily used. I am just now having a few issues with it randomly cutting off and charging (says fully charged but not). It is a great phone for texting which is what I primarily use a mobile phone for. Calling, camera and music quality are good. I am going to push it as far as it will go... I wish Verizon still offered phones like this. I hate touch screens...

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Phone owned for more than a year

What an awesome and good quality phone. it has lasted me for the past 2 years and its still going strong just like it was out of the box. it has never shut off on me or had any problems what so ever. once this phone breaks i will probably either buy the octane or the env3 again off of ebay or amazon.

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It Will Turn on You!

Phone owned for more than a year

I have had this phone for 2 years now...and can't wait to get a new one. This phone is a wothless piece of crap. My friend has the exact same one, and she's gone through 3 enV3's because they all broke! And she even took care of it! It was all fine when i first got it, but then like a few months later i noticed it started to have problems. And now 2 years later mine doesnt even turn on anymore! It would constantly turn off! I would just shut my phone and it would turn off! And it took forever to send messages, and don't even get me started on the picture messaging! It had horrible reception, dropped calls, scratches easily, and sometimes won't recieve messages! I am so glad Verizen discontinued this phone, cause honestly it isn;t worth it!

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Ehh.. it's

Phone owned for less than 3 months

All right.. this phone isn't terrible.. but's it's really starting to piss me off. I've had the problems with it turning off by itself.. by not too much. I've had this phone since August.. it's only November 17th. It's starting to mess up. It's a decent phone for a while. But I don't consider it for the long run. Now.. when I listen to music.. it starts to glitch. Like today.. I'm listening to Eminem and Lil Wayne.. the whole time.. my phones going into "Voice Commands" and starts randomly dialing my friend. In less than an hour.. it called her 17 times! The texts are pretty good for me. It's not very slow.. though the occasional drop of a text. I really enjoy this phone.. but I fear it's just the beginning of a total screw up. It's a phone you definitley have to take a chance on.

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dont even take a secont thought about thsi phone

Phone owned for more than a year

at first when it got the fone i was happy with it, then one day i left it on the charger and came back and took it off the charger , i turned it on and the fone died. it doesnt charge and if u drop it then the front screen starts going out. one day it fell out of my pocket and dropped into water and from then on it has been acting up. it is not a good lasting phone and its a waste of money.

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Don't fall into this trap.

Phone owned for more than a year

Okay, seriously, for the love of God if you value your sanity DO NOT even for a second consider this phone. Yah know why? It will turn against you in a matter of weeks. I promise. My speaker's broken so I can't talk to people, it doesn't send or recieve half of my messages, the internet isn't even worth my time, it hardly even loads, I absolutely despise the caemra, my battery fluctuates so I can never know exactly how much battery I have, it freezes an ungodly amount of times through out the day, it deletes contacts, it scratches WAY too easily on the front screen and the few messages I do get and lastly it turns itself off constantly. All the time. There is no way to avoid it. It will hate you. And it will make your life miserable. End of story. So glad to be getting a new phone tomorrow.

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Phone owned for more than a year

This phone has to be the worst thing I have ever owned. It just makes me angry while using. For some reason when it says you have full bars you really don't cause when you try to send a text it wont send, and when you do manage to send a text it'll take a week to get to the other person. The thing that makes me angry the most is that if you barely touch or close the phone it will shut off. Very annoying!!!! Luckily I'm up for an upgrade in a few weeks and I'm getting rid of this piece of crap and getting the iPhone 4 :)

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Phone owned for more than a year

this is the worst phone ever. i've considered going back to my motorola razr AND THAT'S SAD!! at first i loved the phone it was so nice and just a few months later the battery died for good no matter how much i charged it so i got that replaced for a bunch of money thennnnnnn....it continues to turn off everytime i send a text or touch it. in many cases friends and family have questioned as to why i haven't responded to their texts or calls and it's because...MY PHONE CAN'T RECEIVE THEM ...I GET MULTIPLE CALLS AND TEXTS AND I HAVE NO IDEA. it is just really frustrating ..it's been 2 years and i cannot wait until i can get rid of this piece of so called technology. DON'T BUY IT . YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED...AND ANYONE WHO HAS BOUGHT IT GOOOD LUCK !!!!!!

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Decent Phone

Phone owned for more than a year

I have had the Env3 for two years now. For the first year and a half it didn't give me problems at all. Now that I'm on my second year it freezes, and randomly shuts off constantly. This phone is really nice unless you constantly drop it. I would recommend it.

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Phone owned for more than a year

Crapiest phone ever! Shuts off all the time. Blank screens. Loads of message failures. When i cancel a msg it will send anyway. Changes wallpaper in my pocket ( not back pocket) droped calls. A waste of time! Horible camera
The best part is the life on ut

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Phone owned for more than a year

ITS AWESOME! The only think i dislike is when i have 2 many pics its hard to fix it and it deleted all my pics :(
I would get it, my friends that have this phone love it and texting is gr8 and it holds like 240 texts I think... (; I am almost up for a new phone and am sad... mayne the nv touch! but its aweosme

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brand new

Phone owned for less than a month

i am getting this phone soon so i was looking at a bunch of reviews and videos and i found out some people really really hate this phone so know i am wondering get it or not so i have got enough information to fill this rating out well it has good reception and it turns off randomly so that it saves battery if you had left it on for a whole day it would be dead from what i have heard it has a good camera really good texting and keyboard because the keys are spaced out so people with bigger hands can text it on it to it gets allot of scratches but thats why they gave you the protectors has a good screen sound is good when someone calls you it can take out the background noise so thats good i thinks its pretty good overall

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Worst phone ever

Phone owned for more than a year

This phone is piece of worthless s**t. On my second phone about to go onto my third. Drops calls left and right, randomly sends out blank texts, texts get eating, and photo and video messaging fail all the time. Phone is royally scratched up, and it turns itsel off all the time. Keep getting a white front screen error.

Only positive thing about phone is the long battery life. I will never ever buy this phone again, and you shouldn't either.

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Phone owned for more than a year

I've had this phone for almost two years and I cannot wait for my upgrade!!! This phone always randomly shuts off on me in the middle of a text or call. Sure it looks great, when you first get it and it's not all scratched up. The battery life is good, but whenever you have to plug it in it says this charger is not recommended for this phone. My camera charger and my phone charger are similar, but my phone charger says LG on it so I've actually had no trouble using my camera charger on my phone. I guess it is "recommended" that you don't actually use you real charger! But overall this phone is good for a first phone and is built to last.

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Phone owned for more than a year

I got this phone in December of 09 and within 2 months, the phone started shutting its self off randomly, if i texted too fast it would shut off, white screens, when i charge it the cable says it is not recommended for this phone ( its the damn charger i got with it ) its too sensitive and has pk reception and horrible everything else.

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i hate the env3

Phone owned for more than a year

i have had the env3 scence my 16 birthday at frist it was a good phone untill it started freezeing up on me every time i would try to charge it . The phone its selff is a reck i still have the phone today and i hate it the battery life sucks and it wont charge let me remind you i have had 3 off these thank god for warentiy and insurnce. im getting the new black beryy cuvre in fushia for my 17 birthday and i lovee it i would suguest the black berry or the lg voaguer
hope this help you :)

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This phone is Unbelievably Retarded

Phone owned for more than a year

When I first recieved this phone I was amazed at the beautiful display and crisp QWERTY keyboard. But after only 1 week, I began experiencing random shutoffs that completely inconvenienced my day. I also have been a victim to the horrible keypad lock, which has made my contacts succeptable to numerous pocket texts and dials. I have repeatadly been put into emergancy mode and have had to have many akward conversations trying to explain to 911 that it is not a prank call. I was also shocked at how easily the screen scratches. The only pros I have for this phone is the amazingly strong battery life and refreshingly crisp camera. I do NOT recomend this phone. As soon as I can upgrade I will get rid of this terrible phone!!!

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Phone owned for less than a year

beyond BELIEF!!!
it freezes, when u close the phone, it freezes. when you veiw your pictires, the pictures are all " ? " and then..... it FRIGGIN FREEZES. it shuts itself off ALLLLLL THE TIME. for no reason. you have to pull the battery out all the time to get it unfroze, cuz yeah. it froze again. when texting, its slow. when sending out pics,.. its slow. then you have to pull the battery out,..cuz GUESS WHAT!???! it froze. so you fix your backround screen, and close the phone, and have to pull the battery out because it froze with a white screen inside. you turn the phone on again, fix your pics, HOPING for all good sake, that you dont breathe on it wrong and it will freeze again,... holding your breath,...VIOLA!!! after 10 minutes, you finally got your picture to stick,... and not a minute later you go to check it,.. and it had turned itself off.
really? REALLY!!?! -_- i HATE my phone. i cant WAIT to get a new one. I just might take this phone out,...like "office space" style. yeah. that would make me happy. really,..there are so many issues with this phone, STAY AWAY from it. idk if they stopped making it yet,.. cuz they really need to,... but every single person i know who has had an nv3,.. say the SAME EXACT THING. its plain awful.
but maybe i should tell you how i REALLY feel..... LOL

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Stay away from this phone.

Phone owned for more than a year

The Env3 is appealing with a nice looking display, crisp buttons, and the ability to text from either the front keypad or the full QWERTY keyboard inside. It takes fairly decent pictures and the audio is loud when playing music or using the speakerphone. But all of these features amount to nothing when you pick it up to text someone or call them and you're greeted with a dead or white screened phone.

My friends, family, and even some of my coworkers have or have had this phone at some point. They will all agree that this phone has some serious defects.

Just try plugging your headphones into the adapter to listen to music on it. I dare you. And when the Voice Dial lady pops up to interrupt your music... Don't dare look at it wrong. For it will restart on you.

And what does Verizon Wireless have to say about this? Not only do they not care about your pleas, they will offer you their infamous replacement options. And if you're out of warranty? You're SOL.

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Great Camera but Terrible Usage

Phone owned for more than a year

The phone overall is terrible, Lets start with the pros. It has a wonderful camera with a very bright flash. It has good signal strength. I LOVE the keypad on the front and the inside, great for texting. The pictures come out wonderful and pretty big when you bring them to the computer. The batterey lasts very long, I can use it for ABOUT 3 days without charging it. But now, lets move to the cons which overtake the pros by a LONGSHOT. The phone shuts off ALL THE TIME! When i try and take a picture, it shuts off; when im texting, it shuts off, when I FLIP IT CLOSED it shuts OFF. If I GENTLY put it down on a pillow for god sakes it shuts off. Don't even think about dropping the phone! If you drop it on any hard surface FORGET IT! The phone will loose chunks and it scratches like CRAZY. Oh and guess what it does when you drop it? It shuts off. The front screen scratches so easy. The internet on the phone is terrible! So very slow connection. The picture & video messaging on the phone is very slow. So slow infact I can take a flight to the united kingdom and back to new york and it still would be sending. The phone overall is fast, that is if you don't put an SD card in it. The SD card makes it SLOWER than you can imagine. Also the music is good with good sound quality but once its on for like 5 or 10 minutes it freezes and you have to actually pop the batterey out for it to unfreeze. I DO NOT reccomend this phone to ANYONE because of all its problems. It is very stressfull.

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my personal opinion

Phone owned for more than a year

Well i really DO NOT like it! It turns off constantly! Like every 15 min. Its very annoying! If you ever drop it... FORGET THE PHONE! You need a case for sure! Its terrible! I hate it! When you go to take a picture it shuts off... When you try to but ringtones it shuts off! It is so annoying! You have TERRIBLE reception 24/7... I have had it for 2 years and hate it with a passion!

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