Google Nexus 5 Specs
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Used it for 2 years from 2008-2011. Came from Nokia E52. First Android experience. Simple, advance, functional. Google Eco system worked best for me. Helped me to adjust with it. Easy to hold. Light weight. Super fast. Not durable. Plastic. Battery was the biggest issue.
I had this phone since 2015.02 till 2018.02 and think that its google's best phone ever! After this phone i had nexus 6p. its also good mobile, but i'm in love with lg nexus 5. I changed this phone cause, there are no more updates. 6.0 android was last update. So why i changed it.
This LG flagship phone was a very underrated phone for it's time.
I bought this phone in 2014, a year after it's release date and used it up until today.
It still managed to have the same premium feel that newer phones did up until 2016.
It is now on it's way to obsolescence heading into 2017-18. Upgrading to an LG v20, another underrated LG flagship.
I applaud LG for competing with top-of-the-line phones year after year, yet with more affordable prices. Will be a customer of LG for a long while.
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