We are the place to buy Apple devices says Best Buy in TV ad

Best Buy has a new television ad running that lets the public know that the big box retailer is the place to go for Apple devices. The ad shows a Best Buy sales rep showing off Face Time on an Apple iPad. The customer is so enthralled that she says how cool it is and then adds that she didn't know that Best Buy carried Apple devices. The rep then says, "I guess Santa better watch his back:.
The ad's tagline is "Everything Apple. At Best Buy". Of course, the Minneapolis based retailer has been spending money to become a major player in the retailing of mobile devices with the wide selection of phones and tablets that is available in Best Buy stores and in the more specialized Best Buy Mobile outlets. Apple itself used the store within a store concept years ago to peddle its products inside the walls of other retailers before the Apple Store became a reality.
source: YouTube via AppleInsider
Best Buy has been using lower prices and offering devices at after-rebate prices to bring in business from the web sites belonging to manufacturer's and carriers, and also from brick and mortar locations belonging to mobile operators. Best Buy has been promoting its "Walk out working"service that offers the set up of a just purchased mobile device, including setting up email accounts, putting widgets up on the home screen and basically allowing the customer to leave the store with some knowledge of how his device works.
source: YouTube via AppleInsider

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