Tim Cook's Twitter account blocks folks that dissed the blurry photo post

A fairly mundane blurry photo post on Apple CEO Tim Cook's Twitter account has turned into a minor controversy - you know, of the useless Twitter kind - after people started joking about it and inferring about the iPhone camera quality, based on the shot.
Of course, nobody was even sure that the pic, shot quickly in the excitement around watching the Super Bowl 50 live, has anything to do with an iPhone, but Twitter being Twitter, folks quickly started getting nasty about it, posting collages and witty remarks. Fed up with the drama, Tim Cook's PR department, which is likely in charge of the Twitter account, took the shot down, and replaced it with something more in focus.
Not only that, but whoever is managing the Apple CEO's account also blocked the worst offenders, so the saga now has every marking of a typical Twitter storm-in-a-teacup. That's what 140 character limitation does to people, Twitter, remove it before you stock reaches half of its IPO levels.
source: Twitter
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