The mobile movement: one in 3 users would give up chocolate for smartphones
One might argue whether smartphones areall that powerful, theorize if they can replace computers in thefuture, but one thing seems universally true – the smartphone hasbecome an indispensible part of our daily lives. We not only need it– we want it, any time, any place, and the urge is stronger thanchocolate. At least, if we are to believe a survey carried among some5,000 respondents, a third of which claimed they'd give up thepleasure of chocolate for the sweetness of being able to keep onusing their smartphone.
And while targetted at Google MobileAds customers, this video gives an interesting insight at just howaddictive our handsets have become. The sheer numbers? Take a lookbelow to see the details of the intimate relationship between thehuman race and the smartphone.
Out of 5,013 U.S. adult smartphoneusers:
- 39% use smartphones while going to thebathroom
- 33% while watching TV
- 22% while reading the newspaper
- many would give up high heels, cableTV or even chocolate (1 out of 3).
- 79% use a smartphone to help withshopping
- 81% browse the internet
- 77% use a search engine
- 48% watch a video
- 63% access a social network
What do you use your smartphone for?Don't hesitate to share your smartphone experience in the commentsbelow!
source: GoogleMobileAds
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