Sony announces the 6-inch Xperia T2 Ultra and T2 Ultra dual phablets

IntroducingXperia™ T2 Ultraand Xperia™T2Ultra dual- the large screen smartphone for entertainmenton-the-go!
Intense entertainment on a large HD display with integrated movies and music out-of-the-box
The world’s most portable large-screen smartphone1: 6” HD display in a smartphone with slim, lightweight and easy to use design with one-handed operation features
Snap great pictures with the best camera in its class2 and enhanced “selfie” apps like Portrait retouch
Speed and stamina with super-fast data, a lightning quick processor and great battery performance to keep your movies playing all day.
14th January 2014, London, UK – Sony Mobile Communications (“Sony Mobile”) today introduces Xperia T2 Ultra, the next evolution in large-screen smartphone design. Designed specifically with customers from emerging markets in China, the Middle East, Africa and the Asia Pacific rim in mind, Xperia T2 Ultra brings together the best of Sony’s imaging and display technologies with ground-breaking design efficiency to produce a stunning LTE3Android smartphone at a mid-range price point. “Xperia T2 Ultra will lead the category through its combination of advanced display and camera technologies, it will bring large-screen entertainment in an amazingly portable form factor and it will do it all whilst providing incredible value for money,” said Calum MacDougall, Director of Xperia Marketing at Sony Mobile Communications. “Its large HD display will deliver big screen entertainment on the go whilst the efficiency of the design will allow it to remain the worlds most portable large screen smartphone.” |
Incredibleentertainment with you all the time
Sony’sentertainment divisions have been delivering some of the world’sgreatest entertainment content for decades and with Xperia T2 Ultrathese experiences will be more integrated than ever before. Sony’slatest Album, WalkmanTMand Movies apps will integrate out-of-the-box with cloud services toprovide easy access to fantastic entertainment. For users in mostAsia Pacific markets this will mean out-of-the-box integration withthe Sony Entertainment Network as well as Sony’s PlayMemoriesOnline storage service, whilst in China users will have access to anexclusive Sony movies channel via Sohu and the Sony Zone, a 320Kbpshigh quality streaming MP3 service.
Tomake the most of the movies and songs, whilst ensuring that usersneed never be parted from them, Xperia T2 Ultra combines a number ofkey design features to perfectly balance the need for a large screenwith portability and battery endurance.
XperiaT2 Ultra’s stunning 6” HD TRILUMINOS display extends towithin 2.5 mm of the phone’s edges. This means that it has a screento phone size ratio of 73.6%, both making the most of the spaceavailable and ensuring that the phone is no wider than a standardcredit card. It is also both slim (7.6 mm) and light (weighing only173± 1gdepending on variant differences),fitting easily in a jacket pocket.
Big,bright screens can often use a lot of power, but that’s not aproblem with Xperia T2 Ultra, Sony has ensured that it is ready to gothe distance by incorporating a battery-efficient processor andmassive 3000 mAh battery, coupled with Sony’sunique Battery STAMINA Mode that automaticallyturns off functions to save power when you don’t need themand restarts them when you do.
Sony’sinnovative smart social camera
XperiaT2 Ultra features a 13 megapixel camera, the best in it’sclass2,that brings together the best of Sony’s digital imaging technologyto allow users to capture incredible images, and, coupled with Sony’snew smart social camera ecosystem, smartphone photography can go farbeyond the traditional snapshot.
Thesmart social camera system allows developers to create camera add-onsthat extend functionality and re-define the role of the camera. Appsavailable at launch will include:
Portrait Retouch: Turn Xperia T2 Ultra into a virtual mirror and experiment with make-up effects before snapping the perfect self-portrait
Collage: Allows you to drop images directly into creative photo collages by changing formats, layouts and backgrounds
Background defocus: Create stunning images full of depth by separating foreground elements and burring the background
Timeshift burst: Ensures you get the perfect photo every time by taking 31 photos within two seconds, both before and after you press the shutter. You can then scroll through them afterwards to select the perfect shot.
Sweep Panorama: Snap amazing and seamless panoramas easily. Take a snap then sweep the phone in a direction you set to capture wide-angle panoramas.
Thesewill feature alongside a growing number of third party applicationsavailable through the Sony Select app store and accessible directlyfrom the camera app on Xperia T2 Ultra. Already the smart socialcamera includes apps for services like Evernote and Sphere with manymore launching in the coming months.
XperiaT2 Ultra at the heart of a connected ecosystem
Withone-touch functions users can instantly and easily share music,photos and videosand moviesfrom Xperia T2 Ultra with a wide range of NFC-enabled Sony devices,including speakers, SmartWatch, wireless headsets and TVs.
The SBH52 isa dynamic Smart Bluetooth™ Handsetthat provides easy hands-free call handling with a single press,while leaving your smartphone conveniently in your bag. It alsoprovides you with stereo sound while enjoying movies on the Xperia T2Ultra.The OLED display conveniently lets you browse your call log, viewtext messages, and see who’s calling you. And with a sleek, minimaland splash-proof design you can now use it anywhere, in any weather.Use it as a quality stereo music headset to listen to music or to thebuilt-in standalone FM radio with RDS. Pairing and connecting isachieved simply by touching it to the back of Xperia T2 Ultra orother NFC-enabled device. Thesmart flip case – SCR14doesn’t only protect your screen from scratching but can also serveas a holding stand for when you’re watching movies or using videochat. Moreover, its smart sensors will automatically wake up yourXperia T2 Ultra as soon as you open the cover!
DualSIM, no compromise
XperiaT2 Ultra dual variant offers a new experience through theincorporation of Sony’slatest generation of dual SIM mobile technology. Users can set upboth SIM cards independently with custom ring tones and one-touchswitching between SIMs before making calls or sending texts. Sony’sdual SIM management technology means that users can keep both SIMsactive, never missing a call, even whilst talking on one of them.
Keyspecs for Xperia T2 Ultra and Xperia T2 Ultradual
6” HD display (720p) with TRILUMINOSTM and Mobile BRAVIA Engine 2 for mobile
13 MP camera with Exmor RS for mobile
1.1 Mp front facing camera with Exmor R
Access to Sony’s “one-touch” ecosystem of 132 NFC connected accessories
Snapdragon Quad-core 1.4 GHz processor with 1GB of RAM and 8GB of on board storage (Micro SD slot expandable up to 32GB)
Large 3000 mAh embedded battery with Battery STAMINA Mode
1Basedon the published dimensions of XperiaT2 Ultra(weight, thickness and volume) compared against those ofcompeting large screen smartphones. Strategy Analytics defines alarge screen smartphone as a smartphone with a display size of 6inches or greater. Source: Strategy Analytics SpecTRAX Service, 17thDecember 2013.
2Thisclaim was found to be supportedbasedon the published camera resolution of Xperia T2 Ultra comparedagainst that of competing 6” or larger screened smartphones with aglobal average launch price of less than €400, and the results ofan independent features audit, conducted by Strategy Analyticsbetween 23rd December 2013 and 2nd January 2014, comparing thefeatures of Sony Xperia T2 Ultra with Samsung Mega 6.3, Huawei AscendMate and ASUS Fonepad Note 6.
3Non-LTEvariants available in certain markets, for more information checkwith local SOMC representatives.
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SonyMobile Communications, Global Communications & PR department
GeneralPress: +44 208 762 5858
AboutSony Mobile Communications
SonyMobile Communications is a subsidiary of Tokyo-based SonyCorporation, a leading global innovator of audio, video, game,communications, key device and information technology products forboth the consumer and professional markets. With its music, pictures,computer entertainment and online businesses, Sony is uniquelypositioned to be the leading electronics and entertainment company inthe world. Through its Xperia™ smartphone portfolio, Sony MobileCommunications delivers the best of Sony technology, premium contentand services, and easy connectivity to Sony’s world of networkedentertainment experiences. For more information:
1)Facts and features may vary depending on local variant. 2)Operational times are affected by network preferences, type of SIMcard, connected accessories and various activities e.g. playinggames. Kit contents and colour options may differ from market tomarket. The full range of accessories may not be available in everymarket. 3) Icons displayed are for illustrative purposes only. Thehomescreen may appear different in your product. Some features maynot be available in your country or area.
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