Somebody – the iOS app that sends random people to deliver your message

It seems coming up with apps is the new craze for Hollywood stars. First, we had the inane Kim Kardashian game; then, Tom Hanks' Hanx Writer, which is a note-writing app with typewriter aesthetics and sound effects. Now, actress / screenwriter / director Miranda July, supported by high fashion brand Miu Miu, presents her own unique app to the world – Somebody – an instant messenger for iOS that sends your messages via an actual person, located near your intended recipient.
That's right... you launch the app and first choose who you want to send a message to. The app automatically starts your text with “[contact], it's me [your name]” and you add to that. You can also attach an action that you want the message-bringer to perform, while speaking on your behalf. When you are done with the text, the app will look for the recipient's geolocation via GPS and scan their area for Somebody users. You get a list of said users, with a picture and rating for each one. When you make your decision, your text flies off to the user of your choice. They receive the message, the action, the name and picture of the recipient and should then go on a mission to find them and enact the text, word-for-word, with the provided action (something we barely believe would work in the real world). If there are no Somebody users in the area, you can choose to leave the message “afloat”, to be later performed by a user, who passes by and agrees to pick it up.
How about you, guys? Would you use Somebody to send a message via a stand-in? How would you react if you receive such a message? Would you like to act as a stand-in?
Download (free)
Now, this sounds cool on paper, but there are bound to be some absurd texts and some absurd situations, if people don't think twice before using this app. If you are not going “What the hell?” by now, check the video ad below – it actually does a perfect job at showing some awkward usages and results.
How about you, guys? Would you use Somebody to send a message via a stand-in? How would you react if you receive such a message? Would you like to act as a stand-in?
Download (free)

source: Rhizome via The Guardian
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