Real Racing 3 trailer released, showing off amazing graphics

So, you think that Real Racing 2 has great graphics? Just wait until you see what's coming next from the folks at EA and Firemonkeys. Just recently, they released the first trailer for the upcoming Real Racing 3, and boy doesn't it look awesome! Not long ago, reflections, smoke effects, and 3D models of such detail were something one could see only on a high-end console or a PC video game.
In fact, EA does mention that Real Racing 3“harnesses the full power of mobile hardware to produce a beautiful racing environment,” and it looks like their statement is no exaggeration. If the game does indeed come with visuals like these in its final form, than we might be dealing with the best-looking mobile racing game released so far.
When Real Racing 3 will be released, however, is not yet clear. All we know is that it is coming soon, and our guess is that iOS and Adnroid are the platforms it is headed to. Now go ahead and check out the trailer, which we have embedded below, and let us know what you think.
source: Firemonkeys (YouTube) via Electric Pig

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