Humor: What society might think of you if you DO NOT use your smartphone
For anyone on the eastern seaboard of the United States, this may not come across as very funny, given the frigid weather and record breaking snow this winter. However, other parts of the country, like California have been well behind the curve in precipitation, and while that has created worrisome drought conditions, it is accompanied by some really nice weather much of the time.
So wherever you are, imaging a beautiful early spring day. The skies are blue, the trees are green, the birds are chirping, and the outdoors is just teaming with life.
As you take a break from whatever you are doing, and you notice the wonder of the outdoors, you decide to leave your smartphone in your pocket, a welcome change of pace so you can enjoy the wonder of nature. Anyone can appreciate such an idea right?
It’s funny, and telling that such a scene, as imagined by Nitrozac and Snaggy, could actually be considered odd.
source: The Joy of Tech
As you take a break from whatever you are doing, and you notice the wonder of the outdoors, you decide to leave your smartphone in your pocket, a welcome change of pace so you can enjoy the wonder of nature. Anyone can appreciate such an idea right?
In today’s society, that may not be the case. In fact, you might actually stand out as some kind of weirdo. Don’t know you know you’re supposed to capture every moment with your camera to post on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook? Who just sits around and enjoys their surroundings anymore?
source: The Joy of Tech
Things that are NOT allowed: