Gartner predicts Android domination, Windows Phone to top iOS in sales by 2015

Dear, Gartner, you just don't learn doyou? Seven months ago, the company was drawing a rosy future forSymbian, forenaming it the top mobile OS for 2014 with some 30%share. Well, now it has decided to peek into the future of the mobileindustry all the way into 2015 and here's what the analysts found:actually, Android is to dominate the market grabbing a nearly 50% portion, whileat the same time Symbian's share will shrink to 0.1%. Uh oh! On the otherhand, Windows Phone, adopted by Nokia for its main platform, willoutscore iOS by 2.3% with a share of 19.5% in 2015, according to the latest prognosis.
The forecast – of course – is nopalm-reading, but taking into account that less than two months ago,such a prediction would have seemed wildly extravagant, we would takethis one with extra caution. Even more so, given Gartner'sexpectations for iOS, which the analysts expect to reach a peak nextyear and fall down to 17.2% by 2015. Gartner's numbers come close tothose in a recent report by tech oracle IDC, which foretold a marketshare of 45% for Android and of 0.2% for Symbian in 2015. So with that in mind, whydon't you bring out your own magic ball and give us your predictionsin the comments below?
source: Gartner (forecast #1 vs forecast #2) via Mashable
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