Android 4.2 has a hidden Jelly Bean Daydream

Yesterday, we told you about a new feature of Android 4.2 called Daydream, which is essentially a screensaver for your Android phone or tablet that is triggered when you set your device to charge, or place it in a dock. Well, it turns out that Google (as it often does) has hidden a big of an Easter egg in the form of a special Jelly Bean Daydream.
This new Daydream is unlocked after you go to checkout one of Google's standard Android Easter eggs: the version art. Ever since Android 2.3 Ginger Bread, if you go to Settings>About device and tapped repeatedly on the Android version number, you'd get the version art. Gingerbread had a gingerbread zombie, Honeycomb had the Android bee, Ice Cream Sandwich had the Android Nyan cat, and Jelly Bean has the floating jelly beans (and singular candy cane).
It turns out that after you check out the version art Easter egg in Android 4.2, a new Daydream is unlocked which allows your device to display the floating jelly beans when charging/docked. Even better is that this Daydream is interactive, and you can fling the beans. The lack of interactivity was something that disappointed us about the other Daydreams.
source: Android Central

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